Blockchain scalability, L1 vs L2, Layer 1 blockchain, Layer 2 solutions, Smart contracts, Decentralized ledger technology, Scalability solutions, Bitcoin halving 2024, Cryptocurrency protocols, Blockchain privacy, Blockchain security, Crypto technology evolution, Scalability showdown, Cryptocurrency advancements, Next-gen crypto protocols, Ethereum, ETH, Fruits, FRUITS, Geeq, GEEQ, Hedera, HBAR, Sparqnet, Avax, Avalanche, BTC

Layer-1 vs Layer-2: The Blockchain Scalability Showdown

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There has been significant technological leaps forward since Bitcoin came onto the scene in early 2009. There have been other layer-one blockchains which included technologies like smart contracts to increase the capability of exchange between different parties. This was not the end of the evolution of decentralized ledger technology, and to increase things like scalability, privacy, and security, layer twos have been created which deal with these issues head-on. But, what does this all mean? How can someone navigate this as the industry heads into the 2024 Bitcoin halving cycle? The Cointelegraph Research report “L1 Vs. L2: The Blockchain Scalability Showdown” is here to help guide and explain what the current technologies behind the next wave of cryptocurrency protocols on the market and the implications of each. 

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By Cointelegraph Research
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